Posts by admin
Advising Patients on the right footwear
Are your patients aware of the effect their shoe choices have?
Why do you get hard skin and how to treat it
As you spend yet more time dutifully filing your dry dead skin away, you may wonder why this happens to the body ...
How do you get cracked heels and what can you do about them?
Cracked heels – also known as keratoderma – are a very common skin complaint but, don’t worry, they rarely cause ...
How to keep dry skin at bay
Do you crave radiant, supple and plump skin but battle with fine lines, itchiness, roughness and dullness?
How do calluses form and what are the best ways to treat it?
All day, our feet work hard, being rubbed, pressed or squeezed from contact with the floor and our footwear – eve...