Foot Q & A

How to keep dry skin at bay

Do you crave radiant, supple and plump skin but battle with fine lines, itchiness, roughness and dullness?

Dry skin affects millions of people but for most it’s temporary – and a normal reaction to the environment, a poor diet or hormone fluctuations.

Whether you’re genetically prone to dryness or going through a blip, a few simple switches to your skincare routine can rapidly pay off.

Simple switches to your skincare routine:

  1. Detox your skincare – harsh cleansers with alcohol and perfumes can strip the skin of its natural protective oils and cause irritation. Choose mild versions designed for sensitive skin.
  2. Turn down the temperature – Long hot showers and baths can be drying, so opt for a slightly cooler temperature. The same goes for central heated homes and air conditioning – go easy on them and your skin will thank you.
  3. Skip the bubbles – Avoid bubble baths, shower gels and harsh soaps as these are detergents which can also strip the skin of natural oils. Opt for a cleansing cream, bath oil or a traditional cold process soap which are much gentler.
  4. Exfoliate – Our skin cells regularly renew themselves and, as a result, dead skin cells can collect on the surface, causing our skin to look dull and dry. Use a gentle exfoliator, such as a pumice stone on the feet, once a week to get fresh, glowing skin.
  5. Don’t delay with the moisturiser – Whenever your wash, within a few minutes, apply a moisturiser to help trap in precious water. Choose a cream such as Flexitol, rather than a lotion, for a richer, more hydrating treatment. Ointments and balms are useful for very dry skin.
  6. Apply it correctly – Use long gentle strokes in the direction of the hair follicles when applying moisturizer to the body. Don’t overly rub and give it time to absorb into the skin. For the face, use a circular motion.
  7. Use protection – In winter, the elements can ravage our skin, so wrap up with scarves, hats and gloves. Whatever the weather, always wear SPF protection.
  8. Invest in a humidifier – Literally add moisture to your air by using a humidifier. These are useful at counteracting the drying effects of central heating or air conditioning.
  9. Skip the booze – If you are going to be indulging in a few alcoholic drinks, alternate with water. The next day apply a rich face mask and drink plenty of H2O.
  10. Eat well – You are what you eat, and our skin certainly reflects that. Pile up the veggies and drink plenty of water. Also consider a fish oil supplement.
  11. Go hypoallergenic – Choose hypoallergenic, sensitive or natural versions of household cleaners and detergents where possible. Always wear gloves when cleaning to prevent irritation.
  12. Handbag essentials – Be prepared on the go with a travel sized version of your favorite moisturizer, lip balm and all-important hand cream. A water spritzer can also be helpful.

We suggest to you the use of the following Products

  • For your Lips: Flexitol Lip Balm or Flexitol Lip Balm with SPF
  • For your Body and Face: Flexitol Very Dry Lotion or Flexitol Very Dry Cream
  • For your legs and foot: Flexitol Foot cream, Flexitol Very Dry Lotion or Flexitol Very Dry Cream
  • For Your Hands: Flexitol Hand Cream, Flexitol Amti Aging Hand Cream, Flexitol Very Dry Lotion or Flexitol Very Dry Cream. 

Always apply a small quantity of product than add with rubbing till fully Absorbed

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